It’s WonHundred Word Wednesday again. Flash fiction is challenging
and fun. Hope you enjoy it.
Today’s prompt: She hadn’t realized she’d buried her memories
of her teenage years.
Shelly stared at her chicken divan. Bland with broccoli. Mr. Pitchford, her former high school
principal, ate it like candy. No wonder he’d gained at least one hundred pounds
over the past twenty years. She hadn’t recognized him when he introduced
himself at the airport. She couldn’t recognize any of the former students in
her graduating class, either. She hadn’t
realized she’d buried her memories of her teenage years in a dark part of her
soul where hurt never surfaced. They’d invited her to speak because she’d won
an Oscar. She deserved another for the performance she’d give them tonight.
Let's see what the others wrote:
It's intriguing. It makes you wonder what they did to her that was so awful and if she'll be able to pull off her performance.