Wednesday, September 3, 2014

WonHundred Word Wednesday

It's WonHundred Word Wednesday and the prompt is about a fire, so I shared one of my favorite pictures. My son is a wildland firefighter. He took this picture of the crew gazing at the deer this summer. They work very hard--long, fourteen-hour days. The deer seem to be saying, "Thank you." We all say, "Thank you!"

Today's prompt: The fire was getting closer.

Eight year-old Tommy Monson ran to the spigot with a metal pail. His heart pounded and his eyes brimmed with tears as it filled with water. The fire was getting closer. The fire he had started. He only wanted to burn the weeds—clear the field for a campfire that night. But the flames had quickly grown. The dry weeds had ignited as though they’d been drenched in gasoline. Why did I take the matches? Why did I disobey my parents? “Help me, Heavenly Father,” Tommy prayed as he threw water on the flames. “I won’t do it again!” 

Now go check out what everyone else wrote from the prompt:

Wendy Knight, Author:
Kelly Martin, Author:
Alison Woods (Peering Into. . .):
Jessica Winn, The Distracted Writer:

1 comment:

  1. You can feel that boy's desperation. It would be horrible to know you caused that destruction.
