Wednesday, January 14, 2015


This could easily happen to a child in a new school. I’ve opened the wrong door before. Have you?

Prompt: She went to the toilet and on her way back, opened the wrong door.
        Caitlyn squirmed in her chair. She had to wee. Bad. Mrs. Harris stood at the whiteboard teaching a lesson on verbs. Caitlyn knew about action words. Go. She had to go. Finally, she raised her hand. “Can I go to the loo?”  
        Everyone laughed.
        The teacher quieted the children. “They call the bathroom the loo in Ireland, where Caitlyn was born,” Mrs. Harris said, and excused Caitlyn.
        She went to the toilet and on her way back, opened the wrong door. The room was full of older children. Crikey! Where was her class?
        “Caitlyn,” her teacher called. “Time for lunch.”

Let’s find out what the others wrote:

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