Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Too Close For Comfort

Small spaces are scary!  
Today’s prompt: He was terrified of small spaces and she knew

       Tamra looked up from her chart when Mr. Humphreys entered the room. He’d changed into a hospital gown and was ready for his MMR scan. “Sit down,” she said.
       Though he was old enough to be her grandfather, he looked close to tears. Tamra had seen that look before. He was terrified of small spaces and she knew he was close to panic. How could she calm his fears? “You’ll be able to listen to music while you’re in the tube,” she said.
       “No, thanks.”
       “Do you need medication?”
       “No, I need to get out of here.”
       She almost laughed.

Let’s find out what the others wrote:

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Flash! Oh, Where Has My Little Shoe Gone?

It’s fun writing for children. I should do it more often!
The prompt: Spider threads caught at her face, a sign that no one had been there yet.

One shoe on, one shoe off, Heather folded her wings and entered the mole hole. Moles were notorious pranksters. Could it have taken her shoe? Spider threads caught at her face, a sign that no one had been there yet. She snapped her fingers and a flame ignited in the air, illuminating the mole’s hovel. Matted leaves were piled against the wall where it slept. What’s that? Light glistened off something hidden among the leaves. Heather pushed them aside and found the mole’s treasure. Rings, bracelets, even keys. And one tiny shoe. She slipped it on and ran back outside.

Now let’s see what the others wrote:

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


This could easily happen to a child in a new school. I’ve opened the wrong door before. Have you?

Prompt: She went to the toilet and on her way back, opened the wrong door.
        Caitlyn squirmed in her chair. She had to wee. Bad. Mrs. Harris stood at the whiteboard teaching a lesson on verbs. Caitlyn knew about action words. Go. She had to go. Finally, she raised her hand. “Can I go to the loo?”  
        Everyone laughed.
        The teacher quieted the children. “They call the bathroom the loo in Ireland, where Caitlyn was born,” Mrs. Harris said, and excused Caitlyn.
        She went to the toilet and on her way back, opened the wrong door. The room was full of older children. Crikey! Where was her class?
        “Caitlyn,” her teacher called. “Time for lunch.”

Let’s find out what the others wrote:

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

WonHundred Word Wednesday: Run for your life!

This week’s prompt: She was carried along by the crowd

        “Momma!” Calpurnia cried as her hand slipped from her mother’s grasp. She was carried along by the crowd, a flood of refugees fleeing the city. A horse and chariot plunged through the mob and she ducked under a wagon to escape being trampled.
        Suddenly a man lifted her up onto his shoulders. “Uncle Atticus!” she screamed.
        “Where’s your mother?”
        “I’m lost.”
        “We’ll find her.”   
        From atop her uncle’s shoulders, Calpurnia could see Mount Vesuvius and the looming cloud of black ash. Then she saw her mother. “Momma!”
        Atticus pushed through the crowd. “Follow me to the ship. We must hurry!”

Now let’s see what the other’s wrote: