Cell phones are amazing.
How did we ever get along without them? Believe it or not, there are still
places on the planet where there’s no coverage.
Today’s prompt: She kept
checking her phone and email, wishing someone would make contact.
Antarctica had always been
her dream. Not anymore. Dr. Karen Hancock sat in her cabin staring at her
phone. The ship would leave shortly and once at sea, all contact with
civilization would end. Karen’s world would shrink to the size of the
scientific station at McMurdo Bay. She kept checking her phone and email, wishing
someone would make contact—someone named Dr. Mike O’Dell, her dentist. After
he’d filled her dental caries last summer, they’d fallen in love. But while she
studied penguins on the ice shelf, would he wait? Suddenly a text message
buzzed. I’ll always love you.
I like happy endings! Now
let’s see what the others wrote:
Awww, how sweet! What a fun take. :)