Wednesday, August 26, 2015


        Today’s prompt: As he opened the car door there was a loud . .

        Sgt. Bob Slivinsky glanced at the clock before answering the phone. “Yes, sir,” he said. “Right away.” It was 3:35 a.m. but the general needed to meet with Prime Minister Winston Churchill—ASAP.
        Ten minutes later, Bob brought the general’s car around to headquarters. Even at this hour, the base was active. Trucks rumbled through the London fog.
        General Eisenhower came out of the building. “You look tired,” he said. “Sorry to get you up so early.”

        Bob saluted. As he opened the car door there was a loud bang. A truck had backfired. Bob chuckled. “Now I’m awake.” 

Let's see what the others wrote:

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