Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Be Careful What You Dream For

Today’s prompt: There was a legend about the well in the garden.
Let’s find out what it is!

The sorority house was over a hundred years old. Gingerbread scroll work decorated the front porch. The alumni wanted to modernize the building but they decided not to alter the landscaping. There was a legend about the well in the garden. If a girl drank the water under a full moon, she would become irresistible to the man in her dreams. According to recorded testimonials, the water had never failed. Of course, the girls had to be careful who they dreamed about. One girl dreamed of her chemistry professor and the next day their chemistry got them in trouble.

Now let’s read more:

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The Old Phone

I wrote this flash fiction with the wrong prompt. One word makes a big difference! I thought the prompt was “phone” instead of “photos.” Here’s the prompt: The old photos made her conscious of her age, of how much time had passed. After you read this flash fiction, read the next one with the word “photos” instead of “phone.”

        The deadbolt slid in the lock as she turned the key. The door creaked open. Edith took a deep breath before stepping inside. The living room hadn’t changed. The spinet piano, the flower-print couch, the maple coffee table looked the same. Her husband’s recliner stood in the corner. The chair where he’d died eleven years ago. She walked into the kitchen. A wall phone still hung by the fridge. The old phone made her conscious of her age, of how much time had passed. Her cell phone buzzed. It was her daughter. “Are you okay, Mom?”
        ”Yes, I’ve come home.”

Now let’s see what the others wrote:

Flash Back Memories


        “I found the albums in the storage shed,” her daughter said. “They’d been stored in totes.”  
        “And forgotten,” Grandma said, laughing. She held one of the albums on her lap. All the pictures were black and white with fluted edges.
        Tears came to her eyes, remembering the vacation they’d taken to Florida in 1953. The old photos made her conscious of her age, of how much time had passed. “I haven’t seen these pictures in years,” she said.
        “Is that you, Grandma?” her little grandson asked, pointing to a young woman in the picture.  “I thought it was Mommy.”

Now let’s see what the others wrote:

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Give Me Liberty!

The American Revolution is a fascinating time in history. Can you recommend any good novels set in that era?

The prompt: Under normal circumstances, he would speak his mind, but with a gun against his head,

Patrick Henry had given a rousing speech. “Give me liberty or give me death!” Reverend Isaiah Frampton had stood and cheered when the famous orator had proclaimed those words. Liberty became Isaiah’s cry. He often spoke out in church services. Tonight the British soldiers attended the meeting. Isaiah had stood at the pulpit, exhorting the people to fight for their liberty when a British captain pulled him down. Isaiah lay on the floor, his hands tied behind his back. Under normal circumstances, he would speak his mind, but with a gun against his head, he prayed in silence for mercy.  

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Wednesday, February 4, 2015

What Would You Do?

What would you do if innocent people were being imprisoned and killed?

The prompt: As the policeman pulled back the sheet, she knew immediately

The  doorbell rang. Greta said a silent prayer the child would stay hidden and opened it. A German policeman in a black uniform identified himself as a member of the Gestapo .  “I have information you are harboring enemies of the state.” “You’re mistaken. There are no Jews  here.” He brushed past her and entered the living room. Sheets covered all the furniture. “I’m leaving Munich soon,” she said. “We shall see about that.”  He threw aside the sheets, one by one.  Only one remained.  As the policeman pulled back the sheet, she knew immediately the child was safe.

Let’s see what the other’s wrote: